A few great cookbooks
I buy for veggie, so these may not suit all diets, though most cuisines outside Europe are great for avoiding wheat and other foods. And I still substitute as I like, either for meat ingredients or just 'cause I feel like it.
A few of these are out of print, but you can usually find a copy, or another winner in the "Also bought" links.
- The New Vegetarian Epicure. Lots of tasty recipes from risotto to mole sauce.
- Assorted cookbooks by Rose Elliot. The one I use the most is The Complete Vegetarian Cuisine.
- Lord Krishna's Cuisine: The Art of Indian Vegetarian Cooking. Mammoth cookbook (816 pages) with a recipe for just about everything.
- Dakshin: Vegetarian Cuisine from South India. Because sometimes you need dosas. And sambhar (her sambhar spice is great in all kinds of dishes and over popcorn).
- The Vegetarian Table: Thailand. Found some good recipes in this, and the Vegetarian Table series in general. Though at the moment I'm eyeing Buddha's Table: Thai Feasting Vegetarian Style from the related links.
- Japanese Cooking: Contemporary & Traditional. The usual suspects, veggie edition.
- Vegetarian Sushi. Veggie sushi is actually pretty straightforward, but this has a solid recipe for the rice and inari.
- Flavors of Korea: Delicious Vegetarian Cuisine. We did Korean for Christmas one year, and this supplied lots of tasty dishes.
- The Best 125 Meatless Mexican Dishes. Great recipe for lentils with pineapple and banana and other non-TexMex goodies.
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